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IEEE PELS Wuhan SBC at HUST Co-Host Student-Led CIYCEE 2020

Publisher: [Time]:2021-02-26 [Source]: [Number of views]:

Corresponding news reports in PE magazine 2021 March:  click here   (Page 81)

IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) Huazhong Univ of Science & Tech (HUST) Student Branch Chapter (SBC), together with IEEE Industry Application Society (IAS) HUST SBC, co-held the first China International Youth Conference on Electric Engineering (CIYCEE 2020) on Nov. 2nd - 4th, 2020, in Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, China.

CIYCEE 2020 is a student-led technical international conference, sponsored by IEEE, IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) and Power Electronics Society (PELS), and supported by School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SEEE), Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST). IEEE IAS Wuhan Chapter and IEEE PELS Wuhan Chapter are the advisors for this student-organized event.

This conference was organized by the chairs and volunteers of both IAS & PELS HUST SBC, to build up an international technical forum for students, professors and engineers, focusing on the area of electrical engineering. In the opening ceremony of CIYCEE 2020 on Nov. 2nd, PhD student You Zhou, General Chair of CIYCEE, gave the welcome speech in representative for the Organizing Committee. Prof. Jinyu Wen, Dean of SEEE HUST, gave the welcome speech in representative for the host of the conference. Prof. Ronghai Qu, Chair of IEEE Wuhan Section IAS Chapter, gave the welcome speech in representative for the Conference Consultant Committee. Also, four experts from all over the world were invited to give a wonderful online keynote speech.

In the Closing & Award Ceremony of CIYCEE 2020 on Nov. 4th. PhD student An Li, Co-General Chair of CIYCEE, gave the acknowledge speech in representative for the Organizing Committee. During the speech, the achievements of CIYCEE 2020 were summarized: CIYCEE received more than 300 papers, with contributions from 159 universities and enterprises from 6 countries including China, Pakistan, Denmark, the United States, South Africa and Singapore. The conference completed 153 online oral reports, 100 online poster reports, and selected 30 best speech awards and 15 best paper awards.

PELS HUST SBC was actively participating in CIYCEE 2020. PhD student An Li, the chair of IEEE HUST PELS SBC, worked as the Co-General Chair of CIYCEE 2020. Professor Liuchen Chang from University of New Brunswick, PELS President-Elect, was invited by PELS to give the online keynote speech with the topic of “Introduction to IEEE Power Electronics Society”. Professor Tobias Geyer from ABB Medium-Voltage Drives, Distinguished Lecturer of PELS, was also invited by PELS to give the online keynote speech with the topic of “High Power Electronics: Control Challenges and Opportunities”.

IEEE PELS HUST SBC shares a wide common area with the IEEE HUST IAS SBC. This kind of joint-conference can be a good way to better utilize the resources of the two student branch chapters. The joint-conference was held in success in 2020 and is planned to be held annually in the future. In the next year, CIYCEE 2021 will be held by IEEE Student Branch Chapters of Southwest Jiaotong University in Chengdu, China.


Fig. 1 Opening Ceremony Group picture of CIYCEE 2020.


Fig. 2 General Chair were making welcome speech.


Fig. 3 Professor Liuchen Chang gave the invited keynote speech.


Fig. 4 Professor Tobias Geyer gave the invited keynote speech.


Fig. 5 Group Photo of Online Closing Ceremony of CIYCEE