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IEEE PELS Wuhan Chapter held industry forums in spring of 2024

Publisher: [Time]:2024-07-12 [Source]: [Number of views]:

IEEE PELS Wuhan Chapter and IEEE PELS China Membership Development Committee Industrial Sub-Committee together held Industry Forums in Huazhong University of Science and Technology in the spring semester of 2024.

On April 30th, 2024, Dr. Alpha Zhang from Delta Electronics made a seminar on the topic of Challenge and Progress in High Efficiency Energy Solutions for Data Center. He gave an introduction on the architecture and technologies for modern data center power suppliers and shown the road-map of industry.

On May 9th, 2024, Dr. Yunfeng Liu from Huawei Technologies made a seminar on the topic of Power Generation and Grid Forming Technologies for Large Scale Renewable Energy System. He gave an introduction of power electronics based power system technology in the industrial vision.

On April 23th, 2024, Dr. Tieshan Zhang from United Imaging made a seminar on the topic of Power Electronics Applications in Medical Imaging Facilities. He introduced the power electronics applications in CT and MRI, showing a new area to the students.

More than 200 students and scholars in IEEE PELS Wuhan Chapter have attended these seminars, with active discussion with the presenters.

Delta Electronics, Huawei Technologies and United Imaging are all core members of IEEE PELS China Membership Development Committee Industrial Sub-Committee. We worked together under IEEE PELS structure to make collaboration between academia and industry. There will be more industry seminars in the near future.