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IEEE PELS Wuhan Chapter held invited lectures during IEEE PELS Day in 2024

Publisher: [Time]:2024-07-10 [Source]: [Number of views]:

  During the period around IEEE PELS Day in 2024, IEEE PELS Wuhan Chapter has arranged series invited lectures for three famous IEEE Fellows. All the lectures have been presented in the School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

  On June 13th, Professor Leon.M.Tolbert from University of Tennessee, Knoxville visited IEEE PELS Wuhan Chapter and made the presentation of From Microgrids to Supergrids Grid Emulation through Power Electronics.  

On June 17th, Professor Richard Zhang from Virginia Tech visited IEEE PELS Wuhan Chapter and made the presentation of “Role of Power Electronics for Grid 3.0 and Electrified Green Infrastructure”.

  On June 24th, Professor Keyue Smedley from University of California, Irvine visited IEEE PELS Wuhan Chapter and made the presentation of “One-Cycle Control and Its Application for Stabilizing Power Grids with High DER Penetration”.

  More than 100 members in IEEE PELS Wuhan Chapter have attended the series invited lectures. Many discussions have been made after the presentations on the topics of power electronics based power system, high power converters and control methods. Three presentations together form the celebration of IEEE PELS Day in 2024 in Wuhan.