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Publisher: [Time]:2020-07-13 [Source]: [Number of views]:

IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) Wuhan Chapter held a round-table meeting with PELS President Professor Frede Blaabjerg on November 4th, 2019, in Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in Wuhan, China.

This meeting was organized by the chairs and co-chairs of IEEE PELS Wuhan Chapter to discuss and share the relevant work since the establishment of Wuhan Chapter and the prospects for follow-up work to present professors, engineers and students. Professor Dong Jiang, Chair of IEEE PELS Wuhan chapter gave the welcome speech to Pro.Frede Blaabjerg, then introduced the staff structure and work distribution of the Chapter, and the activities held by Wuhan chapter in the last year. In every activity, well-known experts were invited to give excellent technical reports with the topics of power system and power apparatus. Professor Zhiqiang Wang illustrated the detailed preparations for the conference Wipda Asia to be held by the Wuhan Chapter in 2021, and investigated some of the arrangements with Pro.Frede Blaabjerg. After this, Pro.Frede Blaabjerg gave a presentation about IEEE PELS, including the journals and conference of PELS and the responsibility and direction of development for this gradually growing group. At last, in the open discussion session, Pro.Frede Blaabjerg enthusiastically answered many questions from the professors and students present, helping everyone learn more about IEEE PELS Chapter.

The round-table meeting held by IEEE PELS Wuhan Chapter provided an open platform where every chapter member can discuss issues efficiently in a face-to-face manner. This kind of meeting is a way to facilitate the advancement of various work.